There doesn't seem to be any way with MO, if I understand correctly, to keep the USKP as a BSA and still get the correct mesh and texture in this particular unusual situation.Choosing to side with the vampires means you have early access to the Vampire Lord form. The effect of doing this is that the mesh and texture from Dawnguard.bsa is used. This thread is currently marked solved, but the solution required expanding the USKP BSA and hiding the mesh and texture. How does MO provide the USKP BSA to Skyrim in a way that resources in the Dawnguard (and other DLC) BSAs are used when there is a conflict with the USKP? If I understand correctly how MO works (which I certainly might not), all of the BSAs in the Data folder effectively have lower "priority" than the BSAs (and of course loose file resources) provided by MO. Since dawnguard.esm and Dawnguard.bsa are already in the Data folder, I don't understand how MO can provide this same behavior. Arthmoor's comment was that if Dawnguard is present and MO isn't used, Skyrim will use the mesh (0001367c.nif) and texture (0001367c.dds) from Dawnguard.esm (and not ones from the USKP BSA) for this character since the dawnguard.esm plugin loads after the USKP plugin. I'm a little confused by this discussion.

So, in my previous games, running into vampires in dark dungeons and caves, I probably never even noticed this issue, but in the daylight with all my higher texture mods enabled, the mismatch is even more noticeable than what is shown in the screen shot above.Īnyway, I found out the Unofficial Patch files are introducing this mismatch in the Hert NPC, but I have no real way to ascertain if it is with all vampires, females and/or males and so forth.Īny one have any ideas or suggestions? Or a fix? Edited Maby Kuldebar I don't play vampire characters so my body/face mods are just for better detail, nudity etc. I spent 1-2 hours combing through face and body mods and combinations and overrides trying to figure out WTF was happening.

Now, here is the same clean save with all the Unofficial Patches installed and correctly sorted: OK, this is a clean save game made with only official game files no mod esp's or textures installed under test profile in Mod Organizer: Test Subject: Hert Vampire NPC of Half-Moon Mill (coc halfmoonmill)