Absolutely no harassment, witch-hunting, sexism, homophobia, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.

Keep it civil and respectful, and do not make personal attacks or use offensive language in addressing others. Discord is a voice, video and text communication service to talk and hang out with your friends and communities. There might be a workaround in the future involving adapters or a potential hardware upgrade for the PlayStation 5 from Sony itself, but currently, there is little know about what TV/headset audio options might become available for those who need it.NOTE: /r/discordapp is unofficial & community-run. While not confirmed, perhaps the intricacies of this system could be the cause of the limitations that prevent audio simultaneously working between TVs and headsets. Related: What The PS5 DualSense Controller Can Really DoĪccording to Sony, the PS5's advanced Tempest 3D AudioTech system will work with most existing headsets. While the PlayStation 5 boasts many impressive updates, an inclusion of dual audio over the HDMI connection is not currently going to be possible. It is also a convenient feature for capturing content without the background noise of a chat. For instance, isolating chat conversations to a headset while sound plays separately through a TV's speakers allows streamers to stream gameplay without chat interfering in a recording during multiplayer games. The ability to have a sound option that lets audio function dually through the headset and TV is something many players enjoy. Prospective PlayStation 5 owners might be curious about whether the console will allow the use of this tech - or any audio output at all - through both a headset and TV at the same time, which can be especially important for streamers. Among the more intriguing features of Sony's PlayStation 5 is its 3D Audio technology, which will reportedly deliver a more immersive sound experience for players.